
When it's got to go, it's got to go

More great people to interview and photograph

The boy done good

(and then the builders wind me up)

Spring is springing

Motivation comes from the strangest of places

Progress at Oughtonhead Common on reed clearing

Yet another inspirational woman

An actor - but no luvvie

Hate lip-synching, but loved this video

The joys of Kent - a busy and exhausting day to interview in Bexley

Keeping the post office running around the country

Restless Beings - an inspirational afternoon

Aftermath of more storms

Saint Valentine - stood up for what he believed in.

Minor toll of the storm locally

Women in Business Networking

Nine reasons to use a writer

Building progress, so worth the noise.

Coincidental viewing

Is this a sign?

Spring is in the air

Oh, the delights of building sites

Looks hideous - tastes delicious. There's a lesson for us all.

Brands I love

Sometimes, we all need a little reminder

A kick where I needed it

No rain for a couple of hours