Business Plan Complete!

I have finally managed to piece together a business plan. It's been an interesting process, forcing me to make decisions about a way forward, while acknowledging that having a map doesn't force one to stick to it. Who knows what new directions might be offered?

The end of one phase of my teaching career has seen good A level and GCSE results from my students. More A and A* grades than I have ever produced before and that is immensely rewarding.

At the same time, there is some sadness that Bryan Fletcher, my erstwhile neighbour at Blackhorse Lane, has passed on. He gave love and support to us all over the years and it will be an end of an era to attend his funeral next week. We have a lovely photo of him and Muriel with Florence and Freddie in their garden to remember them by.

August has been a strange month, with Florence achieving A level grades to get her into Futureworks at Manchester and Freddie seeming to mature as he prepares to begin his GCSE courses. And now it's raining hard.

Who knows what September will bring?
