It's very strange at the moment, to have an abundance of work that I really love.
Some of my jobs (it has to be said) are a little like getting blood out of a stone, but the majority are great to research and write. There are times when I'm sitting at my desk and the words won't come - that's when I know that it's going to be a boring story. Luckily, there are really few of those and they usually come from a brief that is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
There's a joy in writing. Putting words together so that they inform or entertain and it really matters little what the subject is.
I am so fortunate that I can actually earn my living as a writer, with such a wide variety of outputs and subjects. Fortunate, too, that I was blessed with the ability and desire to work hard. Considering how utterly, utterly unhappy I was this time last year, it is almost incredible.
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