Business blogging benefits

Blogging can bring huge benefits to your business.

It isn't difficult to do and will almost certainly help make you more visible online. Think of it as a magazine article that can be read by anyone, anywhere in the world.

Massive exposure – minimal cost: blogs are free. They are easily built into your existing website or available from dedicated hosting sites like Blogger and Wordpress. Use your company name and product more and you’ll move up the online listings (that’s what SEO means).

Get down and personal: let people know who you are as a company. Show them you’re the kind of person to work with and develop a relationship. Stay in touch with customers, suppliers, employees and even competitors on a regular basis. Don’t just talk to them – listen to them, too. Ask for comments on your blog and find out what your customers really think about your company, products and services.

Build a blogging brand: keep your company visible online and your name at the top of the list. Link to other sites and blogs and share the benefits.

Perfect product placement: tell the world about your new product or service. Tell existing and prospective customers the details direct from you – then invite comments that ought to be positive.

Be the expert: blog about your industry and developments. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.


Unknown said…
Great summary and it was nice to hear in person last night at the networking meeting, thank you for taking the time to follow up on this for us new folks into the blogging world.
Hilary Seabrook said…
Thanks, Dawn. Hope it's useful.