I, like most people my age, grew up knowing little about Copenhagen apart from what Danny Kaye showed in the 1952 film Hans Christian Andersen. This weekend has been an education. Four days in Denmark’s capital has been a joy, not least because of the wall to wall sunshine. Apparently, it’s been raining in the UK. I’ve toured museums and art galleries, eaten in local restaurants and met some lovely people. I chose a more expensive hotel, so I could be right in the heart of the city, and it was worth every penny. Coming and going through the day was made a pleasure, with the Skt Petri’s staff and facilities always providing whatever I needed. While the UK continues to shamble towards the disaster that is Brexit (in case you weren’t clear where I stand on that whole issue), the Danes seem mildly amused by our chaos. If anything, this weekend reinforced my view that we’re better as part of Europe. We always will be, in my humbl...