Discussing the Watford Jazz Junction Festival with Chris Newstead

Welcome to the latest episode of Harmonious World, in which I interview musicians about how their music helps make the world more harmonious.

In this case, it's a clarinettist who also helps many of us hear more great music - Chris Newstead is festival director of the Watford Jazz Junction Festival. Chris goes through the many musical delights that are on offer from 10 to 18 May 2025 and if you're anywhere near London in that period, there will be something worth catching when you're free, so grab your tickets now.

Thanks to Chair of the Festival Orphy Robinson MBE, for providing one of his tracks - Chunky But Funky - to bookend my conversation with Chris. As part of the fundraising for the festival, Orphy is bringing musicians from the Royal Academy of Music to the Watford Pump House on 28 February, so get your tickets now!

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Don't forget the Quincy Jones quote that sums up why I do this: "Imagine what a harmonious world it would be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing."
