Here's a new year's resolution - learn something new

I've just seen the truly brilliant British Heart Foundation advert for their 'Hard and Fast' campaign. If you haven't seen it, click here.

Vinnie Jones at his most hilarious. Whoever is responsible for creating the campaign deserves to win an award. It's rare for doing good to be presented in such a humorous and unusual way.

I'm already going through the process to become a Community First Responder, but until I get trained, I now have a new skill that I can try to remember. There's plenty of evidence that CPR saves lives. That's got to be a good thing.

And since Vinnie told me to do it, I better had.

PS - I've also bought a T-shirt, on the basis that I am more likely to remember what to do and can maybe help promote the campaign a little. Plus it's a funny T-shirt anyway.
