Make Hitchin Litter free!

I posted a new blog today on The Best of Hitchin. I'm proud to be a tiny cog in this wheel and hope that the new campaign will help us to get the town tidy for the Jubilee celebrations.


Ray said…
Living in Hitchin, in town, I have always marvelled how well the Council keep Hitchin tidy. There are the road sweeping lorries that dart here, there and everywhere. There are the guys that go around picking up litter and emptying the many litter bins and that is not just in town, I have seen them well outside the town.

However a lot more could be done. Places where food and drink are purchased could play their part. There should be a local law that states that local permises that sell food and drink should have sufficent litter bins near there premises. Also that they should be responsible for cleaning the litter immediately outside there premises. You only need to look outside the many larger pub/venues in Hitchin on a Saturday and Sunday morning and see the litter shrewn everywhere outside, why should the council have to pay to remove litter caused by a business.

Majority of people are good at keeping Hitchin tidy. The presence of litter bins has the effect of causing people to use them. If they can see one when they need it, they'll use it. More litter bins and the help of local businesses will help the Council keep our town beautiful.