Now we’re well into the fifth year of Harmonious World, there’s a huge amount of knowledge and advice in the podcast episodes where musicians have shared what they are good at.
I’m really using the hashtag #ShareHarmony across social media.
Two museums Richard and I visited in our train travels across a Europe were the resistance museums in Copenhagen and Berlin. Both were immensely inspiring in terms of people who often paid the ultimate sacrifice of their lives while standing up for what they believed to be right.
Coincidentally, we have also been watching the TV series The Man in the High Castle, which has resistance at its heart. It’s the tiny (and sometimes huge) acts of doing the right thing that can change the world and maybe some of the pieces of advice in this podcast could just help others and make the world more harmonious.
One of the questions I’ll be asking all my guests now is this:
“What piece of advice or learning would you share to make the world a little more harmonious?”
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