Having spent a couple of hours at my desk this morning, I then trudged around the M25 to Romford, then onwards to Croydon. Final interviews at Royal Mail's mail centre and home soon after 9pm. It was a long day, made bearable by working with photographer Justin Grainge. I interviewed, then he snapped.
It's an interesting project - with goalposts moving daily and the occasional wicket being thrown in for good measure. What we'll end up with is eight pages of photo-led features that focus very much on front-line staff. It's very much a team effort, with designers putting it all together back at the agency. I'm actually excited about seeing the final version in print.
The best jobs use teamwork and I think we'll end up with something to be proud of.
It's an interesting project - with goalposts moving daily and the occasional wicket being thrown in for good measure. What we'll end up with is eight pages of photo-led features that focus very much on front-line staff. It's very much a team effort, with designers putting it all together back at the agency. I'm actually excited about seeing the final version in print.
The best jobs use teamwork and I think we'll end up with something to be proud of.
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